Chapter 1 Welcome

The notes have been prepared in a package called BookDown for RStudio so that the equations are accessible to screen readers. However, by providing the notes as a .html webpage I can also embed short videos to further describe some of the topics. I am using this format as it is a legally accessible format. Further you can download the document in a format that suits you (either pdf or epub) to view offline, or change the way this document appears for ease of reading (top left of this browser window).

This course is structured such that in our ‘in person time’ we will be workshoping problems. I beleive I have already set enough questions in this set of notes so that they are all ready ahead of schedule, but I will bring some ‘reserve’ questions if they are required. The reason I have chosen to workshop in our live time is because it is the bet opportunity for interaction, this course has no tutorials associated with it and so I wanted to be able to help you as much as I could.

Please ensure that you have read through the accompanying notes for each workshop ahead of our inperson time.

1.1 Workshops for Photochemistry & Photophysics

The answers for questions will only be shared in our workshops which will (hopefully) be recorded on ReView and shared via Moodle. I will make available ‘handwritten’ or typed answers if required, please contact me.

Please download the app [UniDoodle]{} prior to our workshops, this is a mechanism where you can ‘draw or write’ at me.

The schedule for this class is:

Week 1 - Intro to this document, summary of expected prior knowledge

Prep for week 2 - Chapter 3

Week 2 - Workshop on Absorbance 4

Prep for week 3 - Chapter 5

Week 3 - Workshop on Emission 6

Prep for week 4 - Chapter 7

Week 4 - Workshop on Non-emmisive Decay of the Excited State 8

Prep for week 5 - Chapter 9

Week 5 - Workshop on Other Excited State Structures 10

Week 6 - Workshop covering all material from course

Week 7 - Workshop on past exam questions

I am asmatic, therefore I will be abiding by the university policy of, in lecturers I expect you to either:

  • wear a mask
  • visibly wear a sunflower lanyard
  • or leave

1.2 Additional Resources

Whilst this resource is designed to stand alone, you may find it beneficial to read around the subject or else listen to the concept bites. Please also note that you can (and should) ask questions in the workshops - this is a good use of everyone’s time because if you are struggling with something you won’t be the only one.

1.3 Report errors

If you spot any errors or areas of lack of clarity, please message me in Teams or preferably report on the error log below:

Version history

I may update this work for typos or clarity if people contact me about this (see above), but there will be no substantive changes to the document in this academic year.

reaction coordinate, fluor workshop version 221021

pdf works version 131021

No longer COVID version 300921

COVID the first version finished 291020

The initial commit of this book is dated 25th September 2020.