
The notes have been prepared in a package called BookDown for RStudio so that the equations are accessible to screen readers. However, by providing the notes as a .html webpage I can also embed short videos to further describe some of the topics. If you want videos on any topic please ask and I will do my best to produce the most requested ones.

Further you can download the notes in a format that suits you (either pdf or epub) to view offline, or change the way this document appears for ease of reading (dark mode/light mode, font size, font style).

This document is written in markdown, and particularly in equations typos can creep in. If you spot any typos or think there are any errors please let me know and I will do my best to fix them.

Notes and Workshops for CH10137

This ‘book’ will be updated periodically with content and embedded ‘micro lecture’ video content.

Questions and answers will be provided and some answers will include ‘process’ as well as answer. Please contact me if you need help. Questions on later topics will rely on earlier knowledge.

I am using this format as it is an accessible format. However I have moved over to this format recently and so I would appreciate you pointing out any areas of confusion or where error may have crept in.

Report errors

If you spot any errors or areas of lack of clarity, please message me in Teams or preferably report on the error log below:

Version history

Updates with worked solutions first commit 011222

Typos fixed 191121

21-22 version first commit 291021

Covid version finished 181120

The initial commit of this book is dated 16th October 2020.